What to do in a crypto bear market: 6 important things

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What is a bear market? It’s refered to a situation where different digital assets loss value over a long period of time.


This is the time most people quit the crypto space, a lot of people are less interested in cryptocurrency.


Most people don’t even know what to do in such market condition.


Therefore, I’ll quickly share with you, few important things you should do in a crypto bear market.


1. Stake, Farm, Mine: same way you put money in a fix deposit account in your local banks to get 1% yearly return…. You can also do same in crypto. And the reward is way more juicy in crypto space.


Some platforms offers APR (ROI) up to 1000% yearly.


So instead of just sitting your cryptocurrencies in your wallet, you can stake your tokens on a liquidity pool or lock in Binance pool to earn more tokens. Other platforms like Pancakeswap, Hotbit and crypto.com also offer staking and rewards.



2. Dollar Cost Average: you were excited to buy when everything were booming right???


This is the right to buy more of the gems you’re holding, so you’ll be in good profit when the green days comes.


3. Short leverage if you’re a good futures trader.



4. Never panic sell at loss except you’re holding sh#t.


If you’re holding gems, that should be a good time to buy more because you have nothing to worry about.


5. Stop watching the f#ckn chart 😂: as a long-term investor, you shouldn’t be bothered with the fluctuation in the price.

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6: Invest money you can forget about because the bear season can be longer than you thought. Before buying the dip, buy food first. Lols


If you want to go hard by investing huge money, it’s still not bad, the bear market offers great opportunity to make much money.


In case you want to learn more about cryptocurrency and how to trade like a pro… Get ready to enroll in our crypto universitycrypto university.





Where we’ve covered a lot of things about crypto trading, investing and so on.

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